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Truly Tasteless Jokes Two Page 2

  A nigger.


  What do you get when you cross a black and a groundhog?

  Six more weeks of basketball season.


  How do you know Adam and Eve weren’t black?

  Ever tried to take a rib from a black man?


  There was a black couple that already had eight fine children, and finally the wife implored her husband to have a vasectomy. After much cajoling, he made an appointment, and the morning of the operation his wife was astonished to see him leave the house dressed in white tie and tails and head for a big black limousine waiting at the curb. Responding to her quizzical look, he explained, “Honey, if you gonna be impo’tant, you gotta act impo’tant!”


  A con man came into a small-town saloon, sidled up to the bar, and told the bartender he’d bet him $50 he could have him in tears in three minutes. “You got a deal!” said the bartender. “I haven’t cried since I broke my ankle when I was ten.”

  So two and a half minutes went by in silence,and finally the bartender said, “You know, you only have thirty seconds left and I’m nowhere near tears.”

  “No problem,” said the con man. “My friend Boo will be along any moment, and he’ll have you bawling in no time.”

  “Boo who?” asked the bartender... and then sheepishly handed over the fifty bucks.

  The con man proceeded down the bar to where a black guy was nursing a beer, and made him the same offer. “Man, ah ain’ cried since ah was a baby,” said the black guy. “You on!”

  A minute, two minutes ticked by, and the black guy spoke up, pointing out that time was running short. “Don’t you worry,” said the con man, “my friend Boo is due right about now and you’re going to weep.”

  “Who be Boo?” asked the black guy.


  Did you hear about the little black kid who got diarrhea?

  He thought he was melting.


  What do they call a woman in the Army?

  A WAC.

  What do they call a black woman in the Army?

  A WACcoon.


  Why do blacks always have sex on their minds?

  Because of the pubic hair on their heads.


  A crowd gathered on a Harlem sidewalk where a white guy was jumping up and down on a man-hole cover energetically, shouting, “Twenty-eight!Twenty-eight!” Finally one big black guy was unable to restrain his curiosity. “What you doin’ datfo’?” he roughly questioned the jumper.

  “Listen, it really makes you feel great. You wouldn’t believe how it relieves tension, chills you out . . . Why don’t you try it for yourself?”

  So, somewhat suspiciously, the big black guy started jumping up and down on the manhole cover. Just as he was getting into a rhythm, the white guy pulled the cover out from underneath him, and the black tumbled down the hole.

  Cheerfully replacing the cover, the guy started jumping up and down again, shouting, “Twenty-nine! Twenty-nine!”


  Did you hear about the African sex researcher?

  Kunte Kinsey.


  Did you hear about the new black French restaurant?

  Chez What?


  What do you call four blacks in a ‘57 Chevy?

  A blood vessel.


  What are three French words all blacks know?

  Coupe de ville.


  What’s black and shines in the dark?



  Why did God create the orgasm?

  So blacks would know when to stop screwing.


  What did Lincoln say after his five-day drunk?

  “I freed who?”


  Why do blacks wear white gloves?

  So they don’t bite off the ends of their fingers when they’re eating Tootsie Rolls.


  It was the first day of the new term at Princeton, and a black freshman was learning his way around the campus. Stopping a distinguished-looking upperclassman, he inquired, “Say, can you tell me where the library is at?”

  “My good fellow,” came the reply, “at Princeton we do not end our sentences with a preposition.”

  “All right,” said the freshman, “can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?”


  Three people die at the same moment and arrive at the gates of heaven at the same time. St. Peter greets them warmly and asks the first, “And what did you die of, may I ask?”

  “The Big H,” says the fellow, a florid, over-weight type.

  “Ah yes,” nods St. Peter, “the number one killer of men your age. Please step this way.”

  The second person, a withered old man, attributes his death to “the Big C.”

  “So sorry to hear it,” murmurs St. Peter. “This way, please.” And to the next person in line he asks, “Cause of death?”

  The big black woman says, “De big G.”

  “What in heavens name is ‘the Big G’?”

  “Dat’s gonorrhea,” she answers.

  “Madam,” says St. Peter stiffly, “one does not die of gonorrhea.”

  “You does if you gives it to Big Leroy.”


  If Tarzan and Jane were Jewish, what would Cheetah be?

  A fur coat.


  What do you get when you cross a JAP and an Apple?

  A computer that never goes down.


  The Jewish grandmother was terribly proud of her four-month-old grandson, so she took him with her down to Miami Beach. The first morning she got him all decked out, and down they went to the beach, where she set him by the shore to play. But no sooner had she sat down in her beach chair than a huge tidal wave rose up and swept the baby away.

  “God,” she said, standing up and shaking her fist at the sky, “you aren’t very nice! Here was this little baby boy, whose mother carried him for nine months, barely around for four. We haven’t even had time to get to know him or give him a happy life.”

  In another instant the wave returned, setting the infant down unharmed on the sand. The grandmother looked him over, looked right back at the sky, and snapped, “He had a hat!”


  Did you hear about the new brand of tires—Firestein?

  They not only stop on a dime, they pick it up.


  What’s the difference between a JAP and a bowl of Jell-O?

  Jell-O shakes when you eat it.


  There was a seventy-year-old mohel (that’s the person who performs ritual circumcisions for Jews, in case you didn’t know) who found to his horror that his hands were beginning to shake. Needless to say, in his line of work that was a serious liability, and he dashed off to see if he could get some sort of insurance policy.

  A week later the insurance agent called him up. “Listen,” he said, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”

  “Let me have it,” said the mohel.

  “Well the good news is that I can get you a million-dollar policy, for one hundred dollars a year, no problem,” said the agent.

  Wiping his forehead in relief, the mohel asked,”So what’s the bad news?”

  “There’s a two-inch deductible.”


  What’s a JAP’s favorite position?

  Facing Bloomingdale’s.


  What’s the difference between a JAP and the Bermuda Triangle?

  The Bermuda Triangle swallows semen.


  How do you know when a JAP’s having an orgasm?

  She drops her emery board.


  Why do JAPs only sleep with circumcised men?

  They want 20% off everything.


  Did you hear about the new movie called Altered Suits?

  It’s the story of a Jewish man who takes acid and
buys retail.


  What’s the worst thing for a JAP about having a colostomy?

  Trying to find shoes to match the bag.


  What did one mink say to the other as they were taken out of their cages to be killed and skinned?

  “See you in Temple.”


  You can imagine the excitement when a Martian spaceship landed in a sunny suburban field and proved to be filled with intelligent, amicable beings. Jane Pauley managed to be the first television personality on the scene, and the chief Martian agreed to an exclusive interview on the “Today” show the next morning. As the cameras started to roll, she told the Martian how curious people on Earth were about his people, so she thought she’d just ask him a few general questions. The Martian graciously said that was fine with him.

  “Tell me,” said Pauley, nervously clearing her throat, “do all of your people have seven fingers and toes?”

  “Yes,” said the Martian, waving his slender green appendages in the air.

  “And two heads? Everyone has those?”

  “Oh yes,” said the Martian, nodding both enthusiastically.

  “And also those lovely diamonds and rubies embedded in their chests as you do?” asked Pauley.

  “Certainly not,” snapped the Martian. “Only the Jews.”


  What’s the difference between a Jewish mother and a vulture?

  A vulture waits till you’re dead to eat your heart out.


  What’s a JAP’s idea of natural childbirth?

  Absolutely no makeup.


  Three nice Jewish widows decided to take an exotic vacation together, so off they went to darkest Africa on a photographic safari. The expedition pitched its tents deep in the jungle and the next morning set out on the first excursion, but Naomi was too tired to go along, despite her companions’ dismay. And no sooner were they out of earshot than a huge gorilla swept down from a tree, grabbed Naomi, and dragged her off to his nest to screw her mercilessly for three days. On that night, Sophie and Zelda, hysterical with grief, found a battered and bloody Naomi, semiconscious, outside their tent. Naomi was immediately airlifted back to Mount Sinai Hospital in New York where her two friends hovered by her side until, after many days, she was able to speak.

  “Naomi, darling, speak to us,” beseeched her friends. “Did that creature abuse you? Are you in pain? What’s wrong? Say something!”

  “What should I say? He never calls,” sobbed Naomi, “he never writes . . .”


  What’s the difference between circumcision and crucifixion?

  In a crucifixion, they throw out the whole Jew.


  The devout Jew was beside himself because his son had been dating a shiksa, so he went to visit his rabbi. The rabbi listened solemnly to his problem, took his hand, and said, “Pray to God.”

  So the Jew went to the synagogue, bowed his head, and prayed, “God, please help me. My son, my favorite son, he’s going to marry a shiksa, he sees nothing but goyim . . .”

  “Your son,” boomed down this voice from the heavens, “you think you got problems. What about my son?”


  What’s a JAP’s dream house?

  Fourteen rooms in Scarsdale, no kitchen, no bedroom.


  God’s cleaning house, and he comes across these Commandments taking up valuable closet space. So he goes down to earth and offers them to the Roman emperors. “Not interested; we’re too busy having orgies,” is the response. Next God tries the Pharaohs, but the answer comes back, “Sorry, too busy building pyramids.” Finally giving up, God takes a walk in the desert, where who should He run across but Moses. “Would you be interested in some nice Commandments by any chance?” God asks.

  “How much?” asks Moses.

  “Why, they’re free.”

  “I’ll take ten.”


  Why do JAPs have crow’s feet?

  From squinting and saying, “Suck what?”


  Why do JAPs close their eyes while they’re fucking?

  So they can pretend they’re shopping.


  What’s the difference between a JAP and a canoe?

  Canoes tip.


  What did Mr. Mink give Mrs. Mink for Christmas?

  A full-length Jew.


  It’s quiz time in the parochial school, and Brother Michael offers a fifty-cent prize to the student who can name the greatest man who ever lived.

  “Columbus,” offers Joey Rizzo.

  “Pope John Paul II,” volunteers Jan Milowski.

  “St. Francis of Assisi,” says Irving Feldman, whispering to a classmate, “I would’ve said Moses, but business is business.”


  What’s a JAP’s favorite wine? (Say it aloud and it sounds like “whine.”)

  “I wanna go to Floooorida...”


  What’s the difference between a JAP and a barracuda?

  Nail polish.


  What does a JAP do during a nuclear holocaust?

  Gets out her sun reflector.


  Did you hear about the Pole who heard on the radio that 90 percent of all accidents happen within a 10-mile radius of the home?

  He moved.


  How about the Polish abortion clinic?

  There’s a year-long waiting list.


  One night the Pope is saying his bedtime prayers when God Himself comes down from heaven to listen to them. Then, sitting on the Pope’s bed, He says, “Listen, you’ve been such a good Pope and devoted follower that I’m going to grant you any wish you’d like.”

  The Pope is overcome with emotion, and for a little while he can’t think of anything to say, but then he confesses to one thing that really gets to him. “As you know, God,” he says, “I’m very attached to my country of origin. And one thing that really irritates me sometimes is all those stupid Polish jokes.”

  “No problem,” says God magnanimously. “From this moment on, there shall be no more Polish jokes.” Smiling, He says, “Listen, I have to be getting back to heaven, but before I take off, is there anything else I can do?”

  The Pope thinks and thinks, finally coming out with it. “M&M’s,” he pronounces.

  “M&M’s?” says God. “Gee, I’ve always thought they were harmless enough, melting in your mouth and all that . . . but I’ll be glad to abolish them if it really means a lot to you.”

  “Well you see,” says the Pope, “I’m not getting any younger, and it’s getting harder and harder to peel them.”


  Did you hear how the Polish hockey team drowned?

  Spring training.


  Know how you can tell when a firing squad is Polish?

  It stands in a circle.


  How do you break a Pole’s finger?

  Hit him in the nose.


  Hear about the lazy Pole?

  He married a pregnant woman.


  What’s the smallest room in the world?

  The Polish Hall of Fame.


  Hear about the Pole who went out and bought four new snow tires?

  They melted on the way home.


  Or the Pole who lost $50 on the football game?

  $25 on the game and $25 on the instant replay.


  Then there was the Pole who had the asshole transplant.

  The asshole rejected him.


  How about the Polish girl who wanted to trade her menstrual cycle for a Honda?


  These two Poles go for a drive in the country, and when nature calls, they stop at an outhouse in a field. One fellow goes in first, and when ten minutes go by and he’s still in there, his friend walks over and say
s, “Stan, are you all right?” Opening the door, he sees Stan poking around in the hole with a big stick. Stan explains that he managed to drop his overcoat down the hole.

  “Listen,” says his friend, “forget about the coat,okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” says Stan. “It’s not the coat I want, it’s the sandwich in the pocket.”


  Then there was the Polish girl who said she’d do anything for a fur coat, and now she can’t button it over her belly.


  Why do Polish stadiums have Astroturf ?

  To keep the cheerleaders from grazing.


  This Polish guy ordered a pizza with everything on it. When it came out of the oven, the guy asked him if he’d like it cut into four or eight pieces. “Make it four,” said the Pole. “I’ll never be able to eat eight.”


  What’s green and flies over Poland?

  Peter Panski.


  Did you hear about the Pole who had body odor on one side only?

  He didn’t know where to buy Left Guard.


  What about the Polish woman who thought Moby Dick was a venereal disease?


  Two Poles walk into the post office and the first thing that catches their eye is a bunch of “Wanted” posters, in particular a shot of a mean-looking black guy beneath a banner that says “Wanted for Rape.”

  “You know,” said one Pole to his friend, “they get all the good jobs.”


  A Pole has a big date, so he goes to the drug-store to buy some condoms. “That’ll be $2.59 plus tax,” says the clerk.

  “What?” exclaims the Pole. “They don’t stay up by themselves?”


  Two Polish girls were walking down the street on a Saturday afternoon. One looks over and notices that her friend is walking a bit oddly, with her legs far apart. “Zelda,” she asks, “why are you walking like that? Is something wrong?”